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Preschool Grant

CHPS Awarded Preschool Education Aid by NJDOE

At a celebratory event held at our own Estelle V. Malberg Early Childhood Center on October 18, 2023, the New Jersey Department of Education (NJDOE) announced that 26 school districts, including the  Cherry Hill Public Schools, will receive Preschool Education Expansion (PEA) Expansion.

The District requested $3,417,615 in PEA to tentatively serve 249 full-day, general education, preschool students in 2023-2024.

"We are thrilled that our application for Preschool Education Aid Expansion has been approved," said Acting Superintendent Dr. Kwame Morton. "This will allow us to reach a much larger portion of young learners, providing key learning opportunities and helping facilitate their long-term success." 

Assistant Superintendent, PreK-12 and Curriculum and Instruction, Dr. Farrah Mahan, expressed equal enthusiasm at the news.

"This will immersurably enhance our excellent educational programs," Dr. Mahan said. "We are excited to move forward with our expansion plans. It's wonderful to think of all the students who will now receive crucial early education, thanks to this funding."

The NJDOE will provide professional development and technical assistance geared toward the implementation of high-quality preschool programming in CHPS.